10 Replies to “The Adventure Begins 4/18/17”

  1. We will be praying for you and we hope this is the best experience of your life! We love you!

  2. We’re looking forward to following you! And telling our close friends about your blog so they can follow you,too.

  3. Praying for you man! I know this journey will teach you much about yourself but more about God! Love you man!

  4. Praying for your safety, success, and great weather. So glad you have this ste so I can keep up with your adventures.

  5. Oh Noel….I don’t know whether to be elated this time in your life has come, or to cry. I do know that you are such a wonderful young man that I have had the pleasure of watching grow up. I will check in every day to see your progress. You will be in my daily thoughts and prayers.

  6. What a great adventure that lies in front of you. You are a very inspiring young man. I wish you the best of times and safe travel. No doubt this will forever change your life. Stay safe and god bless.

  7. We are praying for you, Noel. You were the talk of Friday School today. What you are doing is tremendous! Vaya con Dios

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